A Star in My Own Universe

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Dazzling & Daring - Pam Baez

Welcome to the Women Who Shine Brightly Series - a group of amazing women who brighten my life and the world.

#2 - Pam Baez aka
High Heels, High Chairs

Pam aka High Heels High Chairs and also the only woman I know brave enough to wear white while drinking red wine

Today’s guest is a friend, coach, and mighty woman who shines on multiple levels. Once running in heels that would put SJP to shame, she consciously uncoupled from the corporate world. Lest you think that means she has given up on business, you would be dead wrong.

Bye. Bye. Bye.

So why did you leave the corporate world, Pam?

So many reason. I loved so many aspects of working in the corporate world. It afforded me many opportunities to learn and grow, travel & meet some amazing people that, till this day, still inspire me.

There was also something missing. I was bouncing around often trying to find the next challenge, the next “high”, the next level of success and I never found that until I realized I needed to work on my own dreams and build my career as an entrepreneur with no strings attached.

I can’t say I won’t ever go back— because life is crazy and you never know. But for this season in my life, leaving that world behind and pursuing my own dreams and focusing on building my family— is exactly where I am meant to be.

She Works Hard for the Money

Pam has the quintessential hustle about her. When we talk, I always feel more capable than before. It’s intangible but I know that if there was a 250 pound albatross around her neck, and I needed something, she would still find a way to get it done somehow.

Have you always wanted to be an entrepreneur?

I don’t really know it’s something I always knew was ever possible, if I am being honest. I always knew something was “missing” in my career and I knew my personality was aching for something bigger and more challenging.

Even when I was in the corporate world, my career paths always lead me down performance-based positions. Chasing goals, meeting quotas, making money— that’s always been in my blood. And I think those are important qualities to be successful when you go out on your own.

What drew you to coaching?

I have such a deep passion for leadership. I’m a life-long learner and I have so many wonderful people I look up too, and I love passing that knowledge on and helping others.

One of my absolute favorite parts of my job are seeing other people succeed.

There is so much heartwarming satisfaction in knowing I was, even the tiniest bit, a part of someones journey to being happy, feeling accomplished, feeling successful. It makes my heart bursts. Honestly, that’s what keeps me going on my toughest days.

Was any of this influenced by your family? Either now or growing up?

Absolutely. I am a carbon copy of my mother. Growing up with a single mom of three kids, she was a force to reckoned with.

She is my ultimate inspiration.

She is fearless, she has the biggest heart but she is filled with flaws— and so am I. She’s always taught me to nurture those flaws and be introspective when I need to acknowledge when I’m wrong, for example. My sister, as well. She got her PhD at 31, with a newborn baby! She blows me away.

What is the greatest challenge?

In life? In Entrepreneurship? Motherhood? My current greatest challenge is balance. Understanding it doesn’t exist and keeping people in my circle that love me, support me, and grow with me as a change as a person, as a mother, as a friend. And slowing down. I have no idea what I means to slow down, and I’m not great at recognizing how far I’ve come because I always want to do “more” — it sounds inspiring on the outside but is incredibly exhausting, as well.

What do you love most?

Baez family - walking on a dirt road

Watching my babies grow. Doing life with my husband, who loves me unapologetically. I love the community I’ve built and seeing how far those friendship and that love has come. I love that I am in a season in my life that I am genuinely happy. I have not said that in a very long time and even though we continue to get dealt life cards (like family deaths and business plans falling through) — Thomas and I are so proud of what we’ve built and the love that surrounds it.

What are your goals? Personally? For your business?

I just want to continue making people happy and helping them succeed. That is my ultimate goal. I want to raise good humans, young men that appreciate life, that love themselves. I’d love to see High Heels Social, Social Mamas Tribe and Bash Baseball continue to grow and thrive, not just for us— but for all the amazing people that are involved in those brands and how much they mean to us.

Words of advice for other entrepreneurs?

My biggest piece of advice is always to take the leap. Not just in your career, but in life.

Just go for it! Life is so damn short.

We are not guaranteed tomorrow. If today was your last day on earth— would you be happy with the decisions you’ve made and where you are? I ask myself that all the time. Also, don’t forget you can’t, and shouldn’t do it alone.

Everyone deserves and needs a support system and love and light surrounding you in order to be successful.

How did you meet Traci?

Traci and I met through Social Mamas Tribe. A community of beautiful souls  of mothers, entrepreneurs, and bad assess. Traci has been a client of mine for almost two years and it has been incredibly powerful to work with her and watch how we’ve both grown over the last years. Love you, T!

Thanks, Pam. I love you, too and the community you created. It fundamentally has bettered my life.

The Face of 50 Women Shining Brightly- Pam Baez
P. S. She designed this beautiful pin. She does that, too!

I chose Pam because she brings out a fire in me. Something that I don’t always acknowledge. but an internal strength that is powerful. It’s more than accountability, it’s a faith in what I can be and what I can do for others. She is everything a “coach” should be and a very good friend. You can find Pam at highheelshighchairs.com.


Thanks for celebrating my milestone and these amazing women!