A Star in My Own Universe

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I Need to Get My Groove Back

If you have been following along lately then you know I have been working towards finding a bit of peace after a pretty challenging time. And frankly, it has taken a kick to my confidence. There are, however, ways to get confidence back and start feeling happier and more myself again.

I have been learning that it is important to get your care on and start doing more for yourself.

Here are some more thoughts on how we can take better care of ourselves to feel our best.

This post may contain affiliate links. All opinions are mine.
It is my Universe, after all.

Getting back to me

Do more for you

Think about it. What do you do for you?

I am nearing my 52nd birthday, and while I own my age, it takes a little bit longer to get ready for the day. For my mental health, as much as anything, it is important that I take time for myself. It helps with my confidence and how I feel walking out in the world.

Lack of sleep shows on my face. Lack of exercise shows, well… everywhere. You know the drill. I notice changes in my nails and even my hair. There’s a little less of it on my head and a little more on my towel.

Watching the hair on the towel

Run Your Hands Through This

If hair loss is your concern, did you consider a hair transplant? Lack of time might have prohibited you from seeking help. ALWAYS look to experts that have years of experience so you can achieve the best and SAFEST results.

Obvious, Right?

I know, but this is serious stuff. A great place you can talk out your concerns is the Silicon Valley Hair Institute. They can provide professional treatment to get your hair back. It may just help you to feel like you again.

Now this may not be your insecurity. Maybe it’s more your teeth (they have been mine off and on for years) or your body. I have talked previously about the importance of good exercise and eating habits. This will seriously help you feel more confident no matter what the scale says.

Taking good care of yourself also means watching your routine and adjusting your lifestyle to live healthier. If you have allowed your diet and exercise routine to take a back seat, there is no wonder you are not feeling like your best self. 

Getting on an exercise routine and prioritizing whole nutritious ingredients will help us feel more positive, healthy, and happy. I am finding accountability to be my friend here. I use a FitBit and have been checking in with a friend weekly.

It’s the Little Things

I’m not in for the big changes anymore. It’s little changes daily that add up, but sorry… the apple isn’t enough,

Go to those routine checkups. I have said it before, but it matters!

Routine matters.

Routine healthcare checkups are there for a reason.

They do not do any harm. In fact, they can do a lot of good. 

If a doctor finds nothing, great.

Live life knowing you are healthy, and feeling strong. But if a doctor does find something, you can find whatever it is early enough to make a plan and be on a journey to get your health and confidence back. 

Routine checkups matter

For better or worse, this is an area I know something about. The more understanding you have about your health, the more you can do to improve. Just like NBC told us in the 90’s…

The More You Know

Speaking of the more you know, find more ways to relax. If you try to get a chill gig and it doesn’t work for you, try another. (If you only knew how hard it is for me to not say “if at first…”)

Try, Try Again

Yeah, yeah, I said it. But it stands.

Be brave. Just the act of trying new methods builds our skills in relaxation and encourages us to practice them more. Plus, we might find ourselves a little more confident just for trying.

Our backyard putt-putt

We have actually had a putting green in our backyard and loved it. I don’t even play golf. It’s just fun — whatever works!

Walking on Sunshine

For me, walking while listening to music puts such a lift in my step. I feel ten pounds lighter and twenty years younger.

So, this is one to put high on my list. Now that I am out of the heat dome, I am popping in my earbuds and lacing up my Chucks, and heading out with my favorite 80s hits (extra points if you got the above reference). Both my mind and body will feel better for it.

It’s easy to say but we need to find some downtime and focus on ourselves. to keep up our energy and confidence. Being a caretaker took a toll on me, I know. I haven’t looked or felt myself for weeks. So just like Stella, it’s time I got my groove back.

What drains you? Do you have a go-to?

If not, I hope this list has helped you find a way to feel more yourself again.