A Star in My Own Universe

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Give the Greenlight

“Mom, can you order this for me?”

“Mom, I am going to the store with ____, can I have some money?”

“Mom, I need money!”




Does this sound familiar? With two teens in the house, it is an almost daily event. That is why I am glad to have found Greenlight debit cards.

This is a sponsored post. If you sign up, I may be compensated.
All opinions are mine. It is my Universe, after all.

With Greenlight, I can load money to the card - allowance, cash from birthdays (or those checks from Aunt Cathy that they can’t cash but immediately want access to), extra money from chores, etc. - and they can use it anywhere that VISA debit is accepted. Which is frankly, everywhere.

My daughter just used it shopping with her girlfriend and felt like a champ. 

And… it saved me money because previous shopping trips with her cousins wherein I entrusted her with my credit card always seemed to run just a little over the approved amount. This can’t because it’s a debit, so once the amount you approved is gone, it’s gone. There is no more.

Red light. Yellow light. Greenlight Card GO!!!!!

There is also an option to separate out money for savings vs. spending which serves as a great teaching tool. And yes, a red light is available when maybe chores haven’t happened or  inappropriate behavior has.

That’s the beauty of it. They have the feel of independence but at the end of the day, you, the parent, have the control. 

Red light.

Limit access to funds.

Yellow light.

Slow funds by feeding funds into savings, as well as spending accounts.

Green light.

GO - have fun. Order online. Go to the mall. Have a date. All without the  risks of cash or carrying Mom or Dad’s card.

If you have a someone in your family that could use a lane of traffic but also needs a little traffic control, I highly recommend the Greenlight card.

If you think this is a winner in your family, you can sign up here.