A Star in My Own Universe

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Happy? Maybe. Happier? Getting There.

Improving ourselves is an ongoing process. No one is ever really a perfectly formed adult. I mean… what would all those therapists have to do?

But, also when you look around you, doesn’t it seem like everyone else is doing better than you? Everyone else seems to be much more well-adjusted and just generally happier than you. Their houses are cleaner. Their wardrobes are better. Their FINANCES are better. You know the scoop.

This post may contain affiliate links. All opinions are mine.
It is my Universe, after all.

The dreaded Imposter syndrome

All too often, we look at other’s through rose-colored glasses and ourselves through mud-speckled goggles. I am quite sure you have heard the now well-worn phrase, “don’t judge your outtakes by others’ highlight reels”. Well-worn or not, it is true. Everyone has struggles , even when we only see the best parts of them. That said, we can always take steps to be a happier person. Because, who doesn’t want to be happier?

Stop with the comparison!

Let it Go, Let it GO!

You are welcome for the ear worm.

We all have something we are holding on to and we all probably know that it is not very good for us. Sometimes it is a big deal that needs big untanging like a problem with a relative, but sometimes these grudges are petty. Maybe we refuse to go back to a local restaurant because we feel slighted by how we were treated. But holding a grudge also has the potential to have a significant impact on your life, as well as someone else's. While we're never obligated to forgive someone, being able to think about why we're holding on to something and if it's really worth the energy it takes is important. Remember, forgiving is a gift to ourselves not necessarily an acceptance of the behavior that bothered us.

Let the stupid s@#t go!

All by Myself

I am on an ear worm roll (It may be I that you have the grudge at - LOL!)

Being content on our own doesn't have to mean that we want to stay alone. We can be happy alone, but still want to find a partner or be surrounded by friends and family. Without “needing” people in our lives, allows us to choose the right people., rather than just attaching to other people because we can't be alone. It’s better to learn to love having your own space and doing things on your own.

Frankie (and Traci) Says Relax

I just can’t stop myself… No, seriously, last one. But we do need to de-stress.

There are so many things in life that can stress you out, so it's essential that you're able to let go of some of that stress. It's not always easy to do this, but there are plenty of different ways you can let go of stress. Whether you need a little help from some hemp from 25 Hour Farms or you discover a love for meditation, you can find your own way to relax. If you find it really hard to let go of stress, you might even want to seek professional help from a therapist.

Being Able to Cope with Change

See I resisted.

Change can be tough to deal with, especially when it's unexpected. I have recently been dealing with a lot of unexpected change, especially with my parents’ heath issues. I have tried to be honest here as I have not always handled it as well as I should, No highlight reels to which to compare!!!

Being able to roll with the punches and adjust to new things in our lives is a must if we want to be more well-adjusted. I can say from my experience, this doesn’t happen overnight. We have to start introducing small changes into our lives that give us a chance to develop the right coping mechanisms.

You are Not Alone

Okay, I lied, one more song, but it’s still true, song or not. If you feel like you have a lot to learn, you're not alone. But the more we work on together on these things, the happier we could be.


P.S. I did resist naming this post “Don’t Worry, Be Happy!’