His Song

Ten years ago, I recorded a cover of “Your Song” in honor of my father’s 65th birthday. I chose the song because Elton John and specifically this song, had always had a special place in our lives. It was the song to which we danced at my wedding.

A song for my father

Out of practice except for my children and without access to a studio, I was lucky enough to have great friends who had a beautiful piano and access to professionals willing to help.

Years Later… Still Our Song

Ten years later, in honor of his 75th birthday, I took a look back at it. While they won’t be extending the Goodbye Yellow Brick Road Tour with me, I remember what it was like to sing and it meant a lot to me to do the for my father.

And it is also a good reminder that it’s better to go ahead and sing the song and not worry that it’s not good enough for anyone else to hear. Sing, if your heart wishes to, whether to celebrate others or just life.

Today, I’m celebrating my Dad.

What are you celebrating today?


A Journey Home


Swept Up with the Leaves