A Star in My Own Universe

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Pack for the Trip of Life

Life isn’t always easy all of the time, and the proverbial road of life has plenty of bumps along the way. Here’s the thing, though. The better we prepare for a road trip, the easier it goes. And if you’ll continue to roll with the metaphor (and well-placed pun), the same goes for life.

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It is my Universe, after all.

Recently, I had a heartbreaking conversation with a dear friend. Life isn’t supposed to be constant struggle. I truly believe that we are meant to be happy in this life. I am not rich, famous, or exceedingly beautiful, but I have had a mostly happy life. Some of it is mindset and some of it is from allowing myself to learn from others.

Get behind the wheel of your life

Below I will share a few things that have been shared with me to pack in the minivan of life. I hope they help. But always remember, it takes a map to know where you’re going. That comes from your heart. Follow that and I know you will get to where you want to go.

Kick those tires

We wouldn’t start a trip without checking the tires and the tank. But how often do we run ourselves on E? If we ignore our lives on empty? - and refuse to put time, effort, and money into our health, relationships, or even our future? Life will always have stressful events. The good news, however, is that investing in the right areas can make for a much smoother drive of life.

Put your Money where your Mind is

Thankfully, mental health is being appreciated more and something I have written about a lot. We have had struggles in my family and I feel no shame speaking of it, because mental health is health. Do whatever you can to invest in peace of mind and happiness.


Whether this means heading out on trips to places or investing your money in a therapist. The more you do for yourself, the easier the road is to travel.

Take care of the vehicle

PSST… You are the vehicle.

Much like our mental health, we have to work on our physical well-being. No, I am not talking about becoming an amazing athlete, though maybe you will become one! You will never know if you don’t try, but it’s always the right idea to ensure we are keeping ourselves moving.

Fill up with premium

We know we should eat nourishing foods regularly, but we don’t necessarily. This doesn’t make it an impossible task. Invest in learning what you should be eating and how to make it more easily part of your daily life. I had a friend help me do so. It made such a difference. While, I still don’t have an ideal diet, it is far more balanced because of the easy tips she gave me. Also, don’t forget that hydration every single day is EVERYTHING

Road Trips are better with friends

Even if you are an introvert like me, we are naturally sociable animals. In other words, Barbra said it best, “People who need people are the luckiest people in the world.” That said, just like in a car, consider with whom you want to be on an extended road trip - you know, life. Sometimes, people are not worthy of a seat next to you, or even the way back. Knowing how to let go of those people is as important as investing in those who give you joy.

Metaphor meets metal

Let’s be real, one of the greatest stressors for the other 99% is money. Most of us feel that there isn’t enough for what we think we need, much less what we want. Here’s where learning from others can help and obviously. investing money in our futures is on the map. And usually this starts with saving and not spending your money on silly things.

Why are you looking at me? Stop! My Target spot shopping is for mental health. I mean it. Stop!!!

Okay, moving on… It is also good to invest in assets, such as the right vehicle. Yes, now we are talking cars. So we are the vehicle in the vehicle. Stay with me here. Maybe I didn’t think through the whole metaphor, but have I ever, really?

Choose a good ride for life

Back to the topic at hand, heading to stores like edmunds provides a peek into the perfect transport for our future. Financial advisors are a huge help to get on the right road. I spent some time with one in Austin and we literally drew a map. It made me feel empowered which is NEVER a word I use when it comes to money. Finally, home security protecting your data, whatever contributes to a state of peace are investments in both vehicles.

BAM! I brought them both back around. See that! Now that impressed? Well, anywho… I want you to be impressed with you and your life. I hope these thoughts help you, even just a smidge, map a life that brings you the place where you are happy and filled with joy of where you pulled “both”vehicles.