Power of Joy
As an actress, I have always known the power of cinema to inspire. Two hours in the dark can make one laugh, cry, feel anger, joy, or in the best of films, experience all of these things.
Enter “Finding Her Beat”
This fiery movie follows a dynamic group of female and a non-binary Taiko drum players as they seek to break the molds that have limited them from the outside, and sometimes the inside, for years. Taiko drumming is a generations old Japanese art form dominated by men since its inception. Those women who had participated at all, like Chieko Kojima, found themselves feeling like appendages, despite years and years taiko dancing and drumming.
Producer and Taiko artist, Jennifer Weir, along with Dawn Mikkelson, and Keri Pickett brought star Taiko drummers Tiffany Tamaribuchi Kaoly Asano and Chieko Kojima, and her partner, Megan Chao Smith, together on a joyous and powerful adventure of music and introspection of what it is to be fully seen, represented, and respected in the world, doing what you love.
This movie gave me life
I could write so much more here. In fact, I took copious notes and just hit delete over three full paragraphs. Words would not do this film justice. You simply must see it.
It’s a big film masquerading as a small one.
Find it.
See it.
Finding Her Beat - Trailer
For thousands of years women have been locked out of Taiko drumming. Not anymore. In the dead of a Minnesota winter, Asian drumming divas smash gender roles and redefine power on their own terms. FINDING HER BEAT dives into the rhythms and struggles that lead to an electrifying historic performance that changes everything.
World Premiere Scheduled - Fall 2022
Directed by Dawn Mikkelson & Keri Pickett
I was blessed enough to interview Dawn, Keri, and Jennifer. You can check it out below.