A Star in My Own Universe

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Should I Stand for This?

I don’t know about you, but life seems full of choices: cream or sugar? Cats or dogs? Sit or stand?

Recently, the last one has moved beyond the living room into the office. Standing desks have quickly become the newest buzzwords in office ergonomics; so let’s take a stand (pardon the pun) on this issue and examine if these towering worktops truly live up to their hype or not.

This post may contain affiliate links. All opinions are mine.
It is my Universe, after all.

What Exactly Is a Standing Desk?

Visualize a regular desk that grew up: this is what a standing desk looks like in practice - in essence it is simply a tall desk that allows users to comfortably work while standing. Some models are fixed-height while others allow for height adjustments like contortionists at circus shows while still others come complete with DIY versions like Jenga-style obstacles for balancing on top. 

Build a DIY Standing Desk?

Yep, people build their own. Would you consider creating a DIY standing desk? Is the price at all intimidating?

Well, it seems that going DIY is the affordable way out! By applying some elbow grease (or a favorite skin cream, if you prefer 😜), and creativity, we can build our own standing desk. We can start with high tables, stacks of books or even repurposed ironing boards!

As long as it allows us to sit upright with the screen at eye level, a DIY desk should provide the ideal working conditions. But be wary: an unstable or poorly adjusted DIY desk may lead to improper posture and strain - so if your DIY desk starts leaning like the Leaning Tower of Pisa, perhaps now might be the time for reconsideration!

Jenga desks are falling down

Wellness Mats: The Wing-Man to the Standing Desk

Just as peanut butter would be incomplete without jelly, our DIY standing desk set-up would be incomplete without wellness mats - essential components in keeping feet comfortable when using standing desks for prolonged periods.

When that happens, wellness mats to the rescue!

Wellness Mats, the Wingman to Standing Desks

These mats are often the unsung heroes of standing desk life, offering a soft cushioned surface to stand on and protecting feet from hard floors. Not only can these cushions ease the discomfort associated with prolonged standing, they can also encourage subtle foot movements that promote better circulation. And here’s the fun part — shopping! There’s sure to be one to suit both our feet and DIY desk aesthetic - who says ergonomics have to be unattractive? 

Supercharge the Experience

While wellness mats and your DIY standing desk may form the core of our new setup, there’s a world of accessories that can enhance the experience. Hey, that sounded pretty sexy, didn’t it? Let’s start out right by investing in an adjustable monitor arm - this piece of kit allows us to precisely tailor the height and angle of the screen, helping reduce neck strain. Hall — AAAA — lulu — jah!

Next is a keyboard tray. This cozy little ledge provides the ideal spot for your keyboard and mouse, helping maintain healthier wrist alignment while freeing up valuable desk real estate. Insert Bravo’s finest reality stars here…

Million Dollar Listing

Furthermore, its adjustable design means your keyboard is always within easy reach - whether standing tall like a giraffe or sitting like a cat! No, I never really stand like a giraffe, you might. I think I am more a meerkat!

Last, but certainly not least, is a well-placed desk lamp. An effectively placed light can both help prevent eye strain and add an inviting atmosphere to your work environment. No matter if it’s an LED desk lamp or vintage table lamp rescued from grandma’s attic, even small details of light can make a significant impact on any space. With some savvy shopping and creativity on your side, your DIY standing desk can become more than just functional; instead it can become an amazing command center that caters to all your needs!

To Buy or Not to Buy: That is the Question

If the Jenga-desk did fall over and now you’re thinking about investing in a standing desk, here are the things to keep in mind before making your final decision. A pre-made standing desk might be beneficial if aesthetics is an important aspect for you - these come with different designs, materials, colors and adjustable height options so they fit almost every taste imaginable; many even feature adjustable book stack height settings; however their price point can sometimes make purchasing one prohibitive. Ultimately function should take precedence over form when considering budget constraints!

Should I Stand for This

The Pros: Perks of Perching

This movement is more than a trend - it’s an antidote for sedentary work lives (pun intended — ALWAYS!). Standing has several key benefits. First off, standing burns more calories than sitting; we might just burn off that donut we had for breakfast! Second of all, standing desks tend to encourage better posture (unless we slouch while standing which requires a talent in itself!). Additionally, standing desks encourage movement throughout the day - which could help with productivity! Finally, many standers report feeling alert and engaged more throughout their day; switching your chair for one may give us our much needed  productivity boost! That doesn’t mean I won’t want my afternoon coffee with caramel syrup. Maybe I shall make it a de-caffeinated choice!

Be Wary: The Cons

Before we get too carried away by our newly acquired standing pedestal, let’s bring it down to earth with some potential downsides. WAH-WAH. Sorry to turn Debbie Downer but I want to be realistic here as we have our conversation. Standing for extended periods can put undue strain on lower back muscles and increase varicose vein risks - not to mention foot fatigue! While standing may burn more calories than sitting, you may want to keep your gym membership for optimal calorie burning as this difference is likely minimal at best.

Dun, Dun, Dun: The Verdict

So is the standing desk the ergonomic superhero it’s often touted to be, or is it all just hype? Unfortunately, the answer, like so many things in life, lies somewhere in between; its benefits cannot be completely discounted, though. To me, standing desks offer several benefits, particularly when your job involves sitting for long periods of time. That said, approach with caution. I think purchasing an adjustable desk that allows for both sitting and standing as balance is probably the best idea if you are an all-day desk person.

And thus, we conclude our little standing desk saga. We’ve stood up, we’ve sat down, and we’ve taken a good hard look at the hype. Now, it’s over to you. Stand tall, or sit back down, the choice is yours!