A Star in My Own Universe

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Stick the Landing

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

How many times have you said that this year? I know for one, I have said it hundreds of times. The amount of things sending my anxiety over the edge is innumerable, and many of those triggers are related to the pandemic. Big surprise, right?

When I finally got word that I was eligible for a vaccine, I was so excited. Anxiety started to fall off. For a moment. And then a whole new anxiety started to sneak up. 


No one really loves shots, and I suspected that a COVID vaccine shot would be big. How much was it going to hurt? At the time and later? Great, I’m anxious again.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Yeah, I am a little breathed out. Okay, I know that’s not possible, but you get my point.

This is a sponsored post. I was provided compensation.
All opinions are my own. It is my universe, after all.

So I needed a little more help. And I was happy to learn that I was not alone. Did you know that 25% of adults have a fear of needles? So, if you want a vaccination but you’re feeling those butterflies building, you’re not the only one flying those wings. Fortunately, the Meg Foundation wants to help you get over those anxious feelings and they have created a wonderful site called Hack the Vax.


The site offered me tools to bring into the shot space. Start with making a plan, as they say, “Action is the enemy of anxiety!” 

Here are a few other tools for your box:

  • Let your nurse know that you have needle anxiety. In my case, the nurse was very clever and shot on “2” instead of “3” catching me off-guard and relaxed. This was very effective in lessening the pain. In fact, truth be told, I hardly felt it!

  • Distract. Before and after. You know that thing in your hand right now. Yep, it’s a wonderful distraction when it’s not supposed to be, so how about we put it to use. While waiting, I cleared emails, scrolled my IG, even played an easy round of Sudoku. Or if you still carry a beautiful thing called a book, have at it!
    Whatever works to keep your mind on that instead of the needle.

  • Don’t go alone. I went with my son and husband. This was great on several fronts. It gave me confidence to be with them, and my husband was there to pat my back while I waited. Finally, we celebrated as a family afterward.

If these don’t work, you know what, you can always go back to the beginning. 

Breathe In.

Breathe Out.

It’s okay to be nervous, but don’t let your fear of needles stop you from overcoming your greatest fear of all -- that of COVID. Nothing to be ashamed of, fill your toolbox, make your plan, and stick the landing.

Stick the Landing

For additional tips, check out Hack the Vax.