You’re here.

That makes you a star.

You ready to #shinebrightly?
Yeah, me too!

Come see me at the place:

A Star in My Universe

But Not. Here
Shine Brightly Traci Shannon Shine Brightly Traci Shannon

But Not. Here

There will be so much more for me to share of this experience, but for now, I shall share what I put on my Instagram. It gives you insight into what’s happening in my heart right now. But I don’t think I am alone. I don’t think so by a desert mile.

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Here’s your Motivation
the pebble Traci Shannon the pebble Traci Shannon

Here’s your Motivation

Proud to be in Week Two of “the pebble” and even more proud to be hosting a dear friend and my coach, Pamela Baez Briscoe. She is a personal entrepreneur and tremendous business coach whose work with me has been intrinsic in the creation of this project.

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The Adventure Begins
Traci Shannon Traci Shannon

The Adventure Begins

⁣⁣I’m officially 49 and although this year might be different I’m still looking for what still shines. And as it is my 50th turn around the sun, I have deemed it my Golden Year.

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