A Star in My Own Universe

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Try on a Little Confidence

Fake it ‘til you make it. We’ve all heard it. And while it may be easier said then done, it is true that, confidence is an important trait to have. Not everyone is born with bucketloads of confidence (see me waving my hands wildly) and it’s something that w definitely want to work on if self-confidence doesn’t call naturally.

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It is my Universe, after all.

It’s a trait that’s built over time for many and often enough, being comfortable in yourselves and in our bodies is often what gives us that confidence boost we need. With that being said, here are a few ways to boost confidence.

Get pierced

Body piercings can be a great form of self-expression. Seriously, it can be a great confidence booster. I can say personally that it can make you feel very cool and even, sexy. I got my belly button pierced in the 90s when it wasn’t done by everyone and I felt so rebellious. Yes… me. I had to take it out during my pregnancies and lately, I have been considering getting it redone.

There are plenty of body piercing variations worth trying out and basically any part of your body is pierceable nowadays. With that being said, do some research on what type of bodily piercings are out there such as eyebrow rings like these

Plan before you pierce

There are lots of types, some are more painful to pierce than others, so it’s good to know which ones are likely suitable for your pain levels. Of course, you won’t truly know how painful something is until you get it done.

Retail Therapy

If you’re looking to give your confidence a boost this year, take a look at your closet. Anyone who knows me knows that I love my clothes. It doesn’t make materialistic. It is about me reflecting my personality through what I wear. I enjoy that immensely.

Get your style on!

So when you look in your closet, does it reflect you? Picking a style that works for you is important. If your closet isn’t working for you, we need to work on it.

Let’s be honest, bodies change over time. I am very aware that my body is not 28 even though I feel that way sometimes. So, don’t hold on to things just because they have a certain designer tag or they cost SOOOO much. Only keep what makes you feel amazing, and if that leaves the closet a little empty…

Hit the Mall Like Its 1984

Invest in a new outfit or go the whole hog and invest in an entire closet if it’s needed. Now, that doesn’t have to be expensive. I love thrifting! Look for hidden gems. take your time. Look online or through magazines and make a fashion bucket list. Go through clearance sales and search online for the perfect pieces. buy what makes you feel beautiful. Don’t get caught in names or even a “great deal”. Focus on a great fit - both for body and style.

Do your “do”

Does anything feel better than that first shake of the hair after the cape is pulled away at the salon? I know for me, it is one of the biggest confidence boosts. Hair is often a huge definer of our self expression and can be a big part of our confidence. Why else would we say “bad hair day”?

With that being said, if you haven’t had your hair done in a while, this might me the moment. Even as I am writing this, I am thinking I should take my own advice. Whether a quick trim or a huge chop, a trip to the salon might be just what we all need for a confidence boost.

Pamper up!

Give a little pamper

A pamper day is always a great confidence boost when it’s taken a knock. Self-care is one of those important practices in life that we don’t do enough of in general. So, next time you’ve got a day off, do a little pampering for yourself, like a face mask or a bubble bath.

Affirm yourself

I have found that daily affirmations have truly been helpful. Making use of positive and powerful affirmations might be just what is needed to start the day on the right foot.

Boosting confidence can be done. We can make it without faking it. I offered a few boosters. Do you have other ways you use to feel your best?