A Star in My Own Universe

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We All Go Through It

Stress… we all go through it during our lives.

In most cases, it is the daily stress and usually nothing to about which to worry. There are times, however, when these stressful events can be actively harmful. Hopefully, these don’t happen often, but either way, we still need to deal with them. If it is one thing that I have learned in my years, they will be more manageable the more I can prepare.

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It is my Universe, after all.

3 Big Stressful Events

Cross Country move stress

1. Moving

Moving is a well-known stressful experience, and that’s especially true with long distance moves. Trust me, I know. I moved from Galveston, TX to Buffalo, NY. There is SO much involved and so much work. I know I got anxious and I can see how others could get stressed about the entire process.

Fortunately, there are ways to make this easier.

Plan. Plan. Plan.

Planning things out as early as possible is a start. Working with movers and similar professionals can also be helpful. Putting a little effort in can result in much less stress than feared.

Financial stress

2. Money Woes

Finances are one of the largest sources of stress for most of us.. File the following under obvious but still true. Because we all need money to live, the minute a struggle like losing a job comes up (which my husband and I have both face more than once), the stress can be overwhelming. First word of advice is breathe.

Few things leave us feeling more helpless. Second “file under obvious” is to prepare for this by having some savings tucked away. This could also be filed under “easier said than done” and “do as I say, not as I do”. None the less, it is solid advice and something I am working on myself, let’s file it under “A” for Aspirational.

Chronic Illness

3. Chronic Illness

A chronic illness is never wanted, but it happens. Of the three, this is the one that most affects my life on a daily basis. More and more people are diagnosed with a chronic illness every day. While I certainly hope you never join our ranks, being prepared helps immensely.

Having health insurance if you can, is very helpful. I know this is not available to all of us and I have been on that side of the equation. Definitely leading as healthy a lifestyle as possible, while no guarantee, helps minimize the chances of developing a chronic or long-term condition. Also, as one currently living with multiple syndromes and acronyms, doing your best helps me feel better and avoid larger spells.

Being healthy keeps me calm and keeping calm helps me stay healthier. It is a good cycle that fuels itself. On the same front, it can unravel and feed negatively, if I don’t take care of myself.

Life can throw a few stressful events at us whether we want to deal with them or not. We still need to get through them. That gets easier the more prepared we are for them ahead of time.

Have you had a real blow that knocked you over? How did you handle it?