Why I Resolved Not to Resolve
I am an absolutely notorious resolver. I have always had a bit of a New Year's Day addiction. There is something magical about turning that metaphorical corner when we turn that page of the calendar.In the past, I have created lists that resembled books complete with attached schedules and check boxes. I start out crazed strong and for a couple of weeks, I feel like could outdo Alexander the Great. I learn a word a day. I drink tons of water. I exercise like an Olympian in training. I clean my corners and vacuum my mattress.Sounds pretty amazing, right? Except there is a flip-side to that coin. I burn out fast and often leave more destruction in my path. Because I try to do it all at once, I end up like Napoleon stuck in Russia during the winter. I pull out everything in my closet to purge and organize and then find myself exhausted before I return everything. Bridges burned and house destroyed, I begin to lose my resolve (pun intended, though I'll admit I was heavy on the historical war references).I am also such a perfectionist that I'm self-defeating. Not only do I lose sight of the big picture as I worry about every hanger, baseboard, and corner but the minute I miss a checkbox, I feel like I have to start over. It drives me crazy when there is a missing "x". So much so that after more than one I fall into failure mode.And part of me really wanted to do that again as ridiculous as I know it to be. But this year, I resisted the urge. Part of me speaking of my illness is to acknowledge that I can't do everything. Truly, no one could have done all to which I aspired, but I certainly cannot now. I need to concentrate on focusing my energy on those things that matter and not beat myself up for those things which I cannot.So here are my non-resolution resolutions. I resolve to give myself a break in 2012. I resolve to enjoy my family more and worry less. I resolve to appreciate my life and body for as much as it still does give me.So 2012, I'm not oping to say "bring it!" because 2011 did and frankly, kicked me pretty hard in the booty. I'm going to say, "let's enjoy each other and the previous time we have".What did you resolve or not resolve?