I've Gained a New Perspective
I grew up in an unscented household. My mother had many allergies so we used fragrance free everything. Fragrance free soap, fragrance free fabric softener, fragrance free detergent... like I said, fragrance free everything.And for many years, I did the same thing. It was what I knew. Recently, however, I gained a new perspective.My local store had a sale on Gain and I had a coupon. In my military budget household, that means time to try it out. Admittedly, I wasn't paying attention and didn't notice I was not buying a fragrance free detergent. I went about my business, made my purchase, took it home, and washed a load of towels. Folded said towels. Put them up. Didn't think more about it, until...Until I stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel to dry my face and suddenly I understood. I understood forty years of commercials wherein people smiled as they smelled their towels. I understood why someone would wrap themselves up with glee. In other words, I realized why a non-fragrance free world might be a beautiful thing! I have honestly fallen in love with this detergent.At Blissdom, there was a Gain booth and I headed straight for them. I told them I was their latest fan. I might have even seemed a little Kathy Baker "number one fan" like. What can I say? I was a bit of a Gain stalker. But as much as I looked like a Stephen King character (on the wrong side), it paid off because I got this:I got the softest towel EVER and a chance to try the new Scent Booster -- Fireworks. It is well named. You sprinkle the fireworks at the bottom of the machine before loading in combination with the detergent (in my case, Gain, of course) and wow! Zip! Zap! Zoop! The laundry smells amazing!And it lasts! Sheets that have been in the linen closet for a week smell as good as ones pulled out of the dryer. Super cool!Thanks to Gain for supporting Blissdom and letting me try out the Fireworks. I promise not to stalk you... too much.