Writing Every Day in May -- Day 10: Most Embarrassing Moment
Well as a walking embarrassment, you might think that this was an easy one for me.I have already pointed out the many similarities between a certain British mess and myself...Daily I find myself with lipstick on my teeth or TP on my shoe. I had braces for four years, a birthmark that other kids called "hickey nose", turned my hair orange and green more than once, and had a white bathing suit (enough said).Among the greatest hits are:1) Splitting my pants as a freshman in high school -- it was a magenta colored pair of overalls (maybe that's the embarrassment right there but I digress). They split in fourth period and my mom wasn't able to come before the end of the day. My friend offered a jean jacket to wraparound my waist. Well, anyone who has ever tied a jean jacket around their waist knows it provides limited coverage. Worse yet, it was like painting a giant red "X" on the spot as if to say "look at me, please"! And if the mere fact that I was wearing a jean jacket tied around my waist to cover a giant split in magenta overalls weren't embarrassing enough (and really it was enough), I had choir for sixth period and we were practicing for performance. I had to stand on a riser with said hole in pants.2) Junior year in high school -- I'm walking in the hall and see skater boy on whom I am seriously crushing. I pass and notice that he is looking at me. I try to do the hair swing and laugh over the shoulder. Hair cooperates and swings nicely but as I begin to laugh, the hair sticks to my newly lip glossed lips. STICKS! Like glue. Had to pull over in the hallway and remove the hair from my lips as it is actually blocking my view.3) Seventh grade -- Boy invites me to Homecoming as a joke. Yea, really.4) The worst however, was not funny even in retrospect. In fact, it was a defining moment. I was in acting school and we had to try out our monologues for casting directors. Fellow students went up and the casting directors LOVED them. Finally, it's my turn and... they hate me. Hate my pieces. Hate my choices. Hate me. And all that happened in front of my entire class. Yep. Pretty low moment and seriously embarrassing.What embarrasses you?P.S. I am embarrassed that I can't seem to spell embarrassed without spell check. It seems that I always forget an "R".Thanks to Jenni for the embarrassing challenge. Check out other stories at Story of My Life.