Writing Every Day in May... Uh, Yeah, Right
So writing everyday in May actually means writing EVERY day? Oh. Okay. Well in my world, it seems that meant writing every day for the first 15, creating six or so half-written posts thereafter, and debating if I should go back and fill in or just move on, followed by nine days of nothing. Yeah, that counts, right?It seems that before I commit to anything, I should double check that my children, husband, job, and school have nothing they need from me first. That no illness, mess, or forgotten assignment will ensue and that I have the all-clear for 31 days to do what I would like to do. And well, that didn't happen. Instead life happened. (And an awesome Office finale!)I am therefore here. But I am not calling this a failure. The prompts were fun and they got me writing about things that I had not done before. I enjoyed reading the others, at least for the first 7-8 days before I realized I did not have time to write and read others' posts (still a full week before abandoning writing all together).I have a habit of chiding myself for what I did not do rather than appreciating what I did do. In that time, I also conquered the growing pest problem in my house. By pest, I mean laundry but trust me, it was still as ugly. We had piles of clothes everywhere -- clean and dirty, and one I referred to as questionable. I played Barbies with my daughter who is struggling with her growing independence. I helped my son do three school projects (and I am proud to say that I "helped", I did not "do"). I cooked. I cleaned. I made sure we all stayed alive for another 31 days. I am calling that a BIG win.Seriously, though, I did want to complete this challenge but I always choose the needs of my loved one over anything else. After almost four years writing a blog, I am still finding the balance of my "real" life and my on-line life which is very real to me. Maybe next year... (I do have a birthday coming up, after all.)A big thanks to Jenni at Story of My Life for hosting the challenge!