Travel the World Thursday #3 -- Porto, Portugal
My friend, Dorothy, at Far From Kansas has joined in The Travel With a Star fun. She has sent my kids great pieces from around Europe. Today we got a wonderful package from Portugal.Sonny-Bunny got very excited!And when he opened it up, he found a surprise.
It was a postcard made of cork -- how cool is that? It seems cork is super important in Portugal.
I love this project because we have both learned so much. Dorothy also surprised Sonny-Bunny with another interesting fact.
I did not know that. Thanks, Dorothy for the card and the education! Such a fun way to learn.And he immediately got to work on a letter back.
And he decided to share some facts, as well. His facts are not, however, about the great architects of Europe but rather, the great architects of Minecraft. Alas!
So, Dorothy, be watching and thanks for helping us to visit a new spot!