Sundays in My City #84 -- Christmas, Cowboy Style
Yesterday we took the kiddos to one of their favorite places in the world -- Seaworld. San Antonio. We had not yet gone to see Santa so we headed straight to Santa's Workshop.Now, as this is San Antonio, Santa dressed the part, Here he is with Sonny-Bunny.
Sonny-Bunny seemed to like him just fine. However, Little Diva did not have the same confidence...
She has never been scared before to meet Santa so we were surprised. She explained that she was scared because it was the first time she had met the "real" Santa. I asked how did she know. She exclaimed "because he had a real beard, Mommy! It was not one of those shiny white ones with a string! That was a real beard and normal people don't walk around with beards like that! It was definitely Santa!"(My apologies to any of my readers who may have big white beards -- I am sure that you are perfectly normal! -- LOL!)Do you have any scared Santa pics?Check out other cities and other Sundays over at Unknown Mami. Tell her Feliz Navidad for me! Merry Christmas everyone!