Friday Fragments #24 -- Little Diva Edition
Happy Friday! I am sharing my Fragments again today with the lovely Mrs. 4444s over at Half Past Kissin' Time. And today my frags are all turning to my Little Diva.She turned seven today!Tonight we will have three girls sleeping over -- a first for her! If she had her way, she would have invited all of her friends. ALL of her friends., going back to her preschool friends. She is so loyal, one of her finest traits. I, however, feel overwhelmed by three six/seven year olds so I
demanded that she encouraged her to keep it small and choose girls from her current class who were already friends. Nonetheless, pray for me!
So, seven. Which means that she is no longer a baby. Except that she will always be my baby. We even call her "Baby".I'll admit it, this one is killing me! She's grown so big so fast. And if that wasn't enough to break my heart, this is what she said to me last night while cuddling at bedtime.Me: When you wake up tomorrow, you'll be seven.Little Diva: I don't want to turn seven.Me: Yes, you do. Why would you say that?LD: Because then I'll be one more foot out of the door.Did you feel my heart shattering in that moment? I did. But no worries. She woke up very happy to be seven this morning.I have to run out now so I can be ready to take her into school to hear them announce her birthday. Yay! I will leave you withe this glimpse of my angel as she slept her last night as a six year old. Good bye six!
Please head over to Half Past Kissin' Time and check out other Fragmented Fridays!