What's Happening -- Going Live at the Bloggin' Mama Social
Those of you who have followed me for a while know that blogging has changed my life. Writing as an artistic release has helped fill a hole that nothing but acting ever held but blogging has done much more. It has provided me with community. When I moved to Austin, I knew no one. I was lonely and bordering on a serious depression. Those late nights spent typing created a world of friends that expanded far beyond the tiny apartment where we were living. Even as I made friends throughout our neighborhood and my kids, many of my friends in Austin came through blogging groups and events. So I am always very excited when I get an invite for a bloggy night out, especially when that invite comes from LiveMom. A night of cheese and wine overlooking the lake, surrounded by bloggers? Uh... yeah! Sign me up! I saw many old friends and made several new friends. The evening offered panel discussion that featured Wendi Aarons, Shellie Deringer, and Hilah Johnson (moderated by lovely friend Nicole Basham). It gave practical (read: actually useable) advice on how to monetize a blog from three very different perspectives -- using the blog as a platform for free-lance writing, using links to garner income, or creating YouTube videos that produce income. All three were funny and informative sharing how they've created success from their personality and keystrokes. So inspiring!A big thanks to Orange Wall Collective, Metro Moms, Alta's Cafe, and KidVenture for sponsoring this fun ladies night out!
As a mom, it is easy to define myself by the mercurial whims of my children and family life. It was wonderful to gather with women who happen to be moms but also are witty, intelligent, and creative. It was a night of grown-up conversation and socializing. I loved it. It was a great reminder that at the end of the day, social media is social! It's a coming together of minds so thanks again LiveMom.I would be remiss if I did not also say thanks for the awesome swag! You know this Star loves her swag! :-D