Tackle It Tuesday #4 -- Deep in Pink
It's Tuesday and I am tackling it. Or at least I will after this cup of coffee. But yesterday, I totally tackled it.This was my daughter's room.
Those of you who follow my Instagram and FB may have seen this. Frankly, I was over it. I was over the sheer excess of her things. I was over the fact that she had enough to make such a mess. And I was really over her not picking it up.So I laid down the law (or at least penciled in rules) and got her started. We talked about respecting her things and how blessed she is. We talked about sharing with those who have less. We agreed that she had to give away a lot!And she is!She filled her Big Hearted Box to start...
It is filled with an entire Olivia playlet, about ten My Little Ponies, three Barbies/Princesses, and other odds and ends. If you are wanting to scream at me that she could fill that box 20 times over, yes I know, but she is making progress.Look. We made it to carpet!
(For the record, she is sorting them into related bins and boxes rather than stuffing.)Today, we will continue to tackle. Anything that she can't clean up today is going away because seriously, if she has too much to pick up in two days, she has too Too TOO much!So that's what
I'm we're tackling. What are you tackling today?