Tackle It Tuesday #5
It's Tuesday and I am tackling it!This last week, I noticed that the textured ceramic tile I sweep daily and mop biweekly looks awful. What I thought was design was actually dirt. Yes, dirt. It seems that over time dirt has settled into the grooves of the tile and as it happened slowly, I didn't really notice. Uh... FAIL!Now that I knew I am actually a disgusting slob rather than the clean gal I thought I was, I had to fix it. Here was the before:
Okay, so maybe the grout was gross, too. What can I say? It creeped up on me. But that's the past. Here's what three days and multiple hours bought me.
Pretty great, right?There's just one down side. I am now ridiculously paranoid about the floor. You can ask my husband. I am constantly on the floor scrubbing the smallest of spills. I no longer trust the broom and the mop!So I have exposed the yuck I was walking on. Do you have a yuck or anything else you would you like to tackle? Please share it! Starting next week, I'll be hosting a linky. And here is a glimpse at next week's project.
See you next Tuesday!