A Star in My Own Universe

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Friday Fragments #44

It's Friday but more importantly it is the LAST Friday of summer vacation. Whoa! Where did the summer go? I don't know but I am at that crossroads of wishing we had more time and ready to throw my kids out send them back to school.Back to School


I have a gripe. Can news reporter stop with the puns when reporting serious stories? I love a good pun (my readers know that) and I never minded when they were written into feature stories but I have actually witnessed puns incorporated in stories about murders. For example, on GMA they referenced "puppy love" turning into "mad dog murder". Really? Let's have a little more respect than that.


And while on the subject of annoying things done in the media, can we please stop killing the names of celebrities named Jennifer? Okay, Jennifer Lopez made herself J.Lo but does every celebrity Jennifer have to become a J? Jennifer Lawrence is an Oscar winner but now she's J.La. Ditto for another Oscar winner - Jennifer Hudson. She is now J.Hud. If I was Amy Poehler, I would add yet another "really?" here. Oh heck, I will anyway... "REALLY?"


Enough with my social commentary. Onto the funny things that happen in my own life. My daughter saw a commercial for a "dump cake" book and decided that she wanted to make her own. She comes to me in my bedroom with her concoction. She has a big smile and a lot of pride when she hands me the plate. Now I want to support my daughter and her creativity but... and this a big but... you need to know of what the cake consisted. Her Dump Cake (which did not include the oven as she knows better than to cook without me) was made from decrusted white bread, pink and white marshmallows, and butter. A lot of butter. Needless to say, I never got beyond the customary first bite. I do not think I have to tell you how it tasted.


Finally, my health has not been great lately. I have a few chronic issues that are aggravated by extreme heat and we have been a patch of days running over 100. I rarely share this but things really got to me and I wrote about it on FB. I was so amazed by how my friends rallied around me. Health problems are tough but they are a lot easier when you're not alone. I feel so blessed that I have  so many beautiful people in my life, both IRL and online. Thanks to you all.


So that's my end of summer fragments, share your fragments over at Half Past Kissin' Time.

Half-Past Kissin' Time