What's Happening -- Kidecals
Kidecals provided me with labels for the purpose of this review. All opinions are mine. It is my Universe, after all.
Kids lose things! Every parent knows this. And mine are especially good at it. My daughter leaves her current lunchbox at school so often that I have kept her old one as a backup. About every third day, I have to remind her to bring both lunch boxes home. Last week, she left both at school and luckily I found a really old one hiding in the back of the pantry. That day she had to bring home three! So when Kidecals offered me a chance to review their labels, I said "Stick it to me". Okay, I know -- painfully, terrible pun but you know how I love puns. They promised that they would survive the dishwasher and the washing machine.But to convince my daughter, they had to be cute. So when this came in the mail, we got very excited. And this is what we found inside...
Pretty, right? Little Diva was pleased. So we put them everywhere and everywhere Little Diva went, the labels were sure to go.
And guess what? Two weeks later, they look exactly the same. The bags have survived rain and whiny 7 yo dragging them on the ground. The snack container has been washed several times in the dishwasher (top shelf) and so far, so good.I would definitely use them again!Ao a big thank you to Kidecals for helping my Little Diva's lost things make their way home like Mary's lamb. She still loses everything, but now I have a fighting chance of seeing them again!