The Friend I Want to Be


It's October and I am joining with my friends over at Axis of Ineptitude in an October Challenge. Today's prompt is "The Friend I Want to Be". I was happy to write about this one.Friendship is how I define much of my life. I have been blessed with many meaningful relationships in my life. I have had the same best friend since I was nine, over 34 years. (I'll let you do the math.)  And at every turn and place in my life, the perfect person has been sent my way. It is a tremendous blessing in my life that I am still friends with most of these people; many thanks to this mighty world-wide web.But the question is what kind of friend I want to be.

A Friend in Need

I want to be the friend that you call at any hour of the day or night if you need me. I want to be the friend you know will hold your hand as you walk the toughest day of your life.

A Friend in Celebration

I want to be the friend that you know will yell "Woo Hoo" louder than anyone else when you win. I want to be the friend that celebrates your greatest days in life.

A Friend in Private

I want to be the friend who hears your whispers. I want to be the friend you know holds your secrets like a Swiss bank account.

A Friend in Public

I want to be the friend who cheers you in person and online. I want to be the friend who will have to be held back when someone tries to hurt you.

Cute Heart

I want to be this friend. I hope that I am this friend; at least most of the time. I know I have had these friends and my life is all the better.I want to be the friend you look to on your best day and your worst. That's the Friend I Want to Be.The Friend I Want to BeWhat kind of friend do you want to be?


Friday Fragments #47


Wordless Wednesday #106 -- A Night View