January Challenge -- Soup for the Soul
Soup for the Soul...I have always liked that image. I know the books became a mighty marketing machine but in the beginning, at its soul if you will, was the thought that our hearts need a little love and care. The world can make us all feel a little sick inside and positive thoughts are a good medicine.So to find my soul's pick me up, I ironically turned to the site that I swear was created to make me feel bad... Pinterest. But Pinterest is full of chicken soup both literal and metaphorical. Here is a little for this cold and wet Friday:
I am an optimist by nature but somedays I can get lost in why something shouldn't work. I need to focus more on why it could/should work.
This really is my philosophy now. I spent many years trying to round out the edges of my square peg but I longer do. This was the new year's mantra I posted on FB earlier this month:
"After almost 44 trips around the sun, I have come to accept that this me is "me". There is no "new me. Believe me I've tried. I won't become cool and graceful like a Hitchcock blonde and I've given up trying. Here's what I do want from 2015. I want this me to be my best me. That's all. I'll still be a klutz and a goofball and a sentimental worry-wart but I will be the best klutz, goofball, and sentimental worry-wart that I can!
I believe this strongly and am trying to teach my children this one. I tell them that they can't always choose what happens in their life but they control how they react. So today and hopefully everyday, I am closing happiness.And of course, this star couldn't resist this one! That's my soup for your soul. Do you have go-to, feel better quotes? I hope you'll share them with the Axis of Ineptitude and me.