Friday Fragments #63

It's Friday and I haven't fragged in a while. Since my last Friday Fragments, I have been in about six states. I am loving the traveling but not always the moving. I talked about it over at my travel blog.I have found that I lose track of the days. Without the routine of school and work, I have to check my phone to know what day of the week it is much less the calendar date. Thank goodness for Facebook or else I'd forget everyone's birthday!Speaking of Facebook, it has it's flaws for sure but it also can be a wonderful way to find old friends. A few years ago, I reconnected with an American Conservatory Theater friend. Over the years, we had both moved many times and lost track. Well, after 17 years, we were able to meet again in person. He now has a beautiful family of six - yes, six! Seeing each other at this very different stage of our lives was simply wonderful. We talked about the old acting days and our caught up on each other's family. So thank you, Facebook. You are now forgiven for the multiple game requests and inability to remember that I like "Most Recent" not "Top Stories".Finally, from the realm of an eight year old's wisdom. We are watching a show wherein they sang "Rig Around the Rosie". Little Diva looks up at me in earnest.Little Diva: Ring around the roses is about 'little pox', right?Me: Small poxLD: Yeah, that's still little... but sad.Yes, yes it is.So on that slightly somber note, have a wonderful Friday. Friday Fragments was inspired by Half Past Kissin' Time. She has hung up the FF towel this week but she's still a great blog to check out.


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