A Star in My Own Universe

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Friday Fragments #9

Welcome to Friday Fragments. If you haven’t fragged before, Friday Fragments is a place to share those thoughts, quips, and tidbits that don’t quite make a whole post, e.g. fragments or frags. I host every Friday and would love for you to join in. Please link up and visit other Fraggers.

Friday Fragments with Star2

It's Friday and around this Universe that means...it's fragging time!

Lately, I have been fighting a lot of writer's block and exhaustion. Sitting at the computer and writing a post of value has become very difficult. My mind is filled with ideas but they seem to swirl in my head like the remnants of a dream; just beyond my reach. Alas, I can still grab a few frags.


If wrangling with writer's block wasn't enough, I have been fighting a bit of insomnia. I would like to say a big "thank you" to Nutribullet, Wen Hair, Beachbody and NuWave oven for ruining late night TV. No longer do I find reruns of "Twilight Zone" or even "Golden Girls". Instead, it is one infomercial after another. You might think that would put me right back to sleep, but sadly, you would be wrong.


Since my words seem to be failing me, I thought I would share a few from Little Diva.We were trying to solve a problem. Don't ask me what the problem was, this tired mind can't remember. I do, however, remember Little Diva's reaction. From the backseat, she yells, "Hey, hey!" We all look back at her.LD: I'm thinking of a solution.Me: What's your solution?LD: I don't have one yet, that's why I'm thinking of one.Gotta love kids! She has the greatest syntax right now. One of her phrases I love is "so good, so far". She still has a bit of a lisp and she worries that her voice sounds like a baby but I'm not quite ready for her to outgrow it yet.


There has been a lot of negative news stories of late. The banners streaming below the morning news anchors have been dominated by cheating websites, bizarre presidential candidates, and other disappointments of humanity. Watching the scroll, however, I found a bit of happy news hidden in all the saddening typeface. Remember the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge that dominated all of our social media channels? Well, it raised over $115 million for ALS research.  It seems that there are already research leaps that can be attributed to this influx of funds. ALS is horrible (understatement of the year) and any movement forward is life-changing. I hope the momentum continues and they can find a better way to fight this disease.So with that brighter note, I shall say my fragmented goodbye. I hope you will share your frags for the week.