A Star in My Own Universe

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Parenting... I Always Knew I Was Doing It Wrong

My friends at Stonyfield provided me a copy of Parenting is Easy for the purpose of this review.The opinions are mine. It is my Universe, after all.


Have you ever seen those seemingly perfect pictures of parents and thought how easy they make it look? I know I have. And my reaction has often been to wonder if I'm doing it all wrong. I mean, those kids have brushed hair. The mom has makeup on and the dad is happily building the latest IKEA hack circulating Pinterest. My life does NOT look like that.Evidently, I am not alone in this. Sara Given looked around and thought "these pictures need captions!" and thus a tumblr blog began -- It's Like They Know Us. It's a hilarious take on the unrealistic images that surround us everyday. She has now shared some of her best witticisms in a new book, Parenting is Easy; You're Probably Just Doing it Wrong. I fell in love the minute I read the title.#itsliketheyknowus, #stonyfield The book captures all those not-so-perfect parenting moments from peeing when you laugh during pregnancy to taking selfies with your teen, and everything between. I kept interrupting my hubby to show him page after page. We laughed together because we could relate personally to almost every picture. I don't have a teen yet but based on my tween interactions, I have an inkling.

Given seems to ask the question, "Why do all these people have houses full of white furniture? And how do they keep it white?"

For me, I was most annoyed by the idealized breastfeeding pics. Women resting comfortably against Everest-like rock structures with perfectly latched babies and looks of pure zen on their faces. Because that's where I wanted to nurse -- outside, against a rock. There are no soaked nursing pads and tell-tale ring markings on the blouses. Because that never happened to me... never.It seems a similar picture got Given going. For her, it was a woman nursing in the middle of a golf course. Yes, you read that right... a golf course. Oh boy, I would love to see that one!


What's your favorite ridiculously unrealistic parenting stock photo?