A Star in My Own Universe

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Friday Fragments #38 -- Allergies, Atlanta, and Art

Friday Fragments with Star2 Happy Friday!!! It's officially the last one of winter. In Texas, it has been extraordinarily mild so I can't say that there is much of a winter to say goodbye, but for those of you in seasonal states,

Happy Spring!



Speaking of spring, I have been representing Dr. Smith's Spray and Ointment at the #NAPNAP conference in Atlanta and I do believe that I am allergic to this city. I have not breathed through my nose since I landed.Atlanta is gorgeous, however. I have been filling up my Instagram feed with pics. Here are a couple.#atlanta, #travel#atlanta, #travel, art, phot


I am so thrilled to still be a part of the #PremiumParent family. Working these years with Dr. Smith's has been an honor and provided me immense opportunity as a blogger and a person. Could not pass up this opportunity to say thank you!


I am headed home to my babies today and I can't wait. I miss them so much. Even with a tween boy currently grounded from video games and a daughter that says things like this...Little Diva to her Dad:You and me, we get angry for a few minutes and yell and get crazy but then it's over. Mommy gets angry and it's like forever. Well, not forever, like twenty minutes.So there you go. Evidently, I get angry forever or twenty minutes, whichever is longer...


If you haven't joined in the Fragments, we would love for you to share your little quips, stories or thoughts that don't otherwise make a post (a.k.a. frags). I'm here every week.Have a great weekend!
