A Star in My Own Universe

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Friday Fragments #42

Friday Fragments with Star2

Welcome to Friday Fragments. If you haven’t fragged before, Friday Fragments is a place to share those thoughts, quips, and tidbits that don’t quite make a whole post, e.g. fragments or frags. I host every Friday and would love for you to join in. Please link up and visit other Fraggers.


It's Friday! Woot! Woot! It's also April 15th which usually means Tax Day. But this year, there is a reprieve. So if you haven't filed yet, you still have the weekend. Of course, that gives a whole different spin to TGIF.  I am happy to say that for the first time in years, I have actually filed already and here's the BEST part... I'm getting a refund!!! Double Woot! Woot! Which I guess results in Woot! Woot! Woot! Woot!


It is also the 5th birthday of my sweet little nephew!birthday


I need to share a little love for my gal and frequent Friday Fragger, Priscilla aka Wheelchair Mommy. She has had a tough couple of weeks. She lost her beloved Step-Dad and is now in the hospital with a strep infection. Feel better soon!


My Little Diva is on her way to taking the crown from Martha Stewart. First off, she didn't get the name Little Diva for nothing. Secondly, however, she got her first baking job. Her granddad hired her to bake a couple dozen cookies for his event. She took it very seriously.baking, kidsAnd her cookies were a hit! She has been booked again. :-)


Finally, do you watch reality TV? In general, I do not. I have, however developed an addiction to The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills; the fact that they are neither real or housewives aside. This week was the Finale and let me just say these ladies are a hot mess. Very well dressed hot messes. Except for Erika Jayne. I love her!I know there is probably something really wrong about watching these rich women behaving childishly but I admit it, I watch!Do you watch an embarrassing show?


So that's my frags. Hope you have a great week!
