Friday Fragments #50 -- Houses, Sleepless Nights, and The Greatest


Is it Friday already? Well, I guess that means I have some fragging to do.Friday Fragments with Star2

Welcome to Friday Fragments. If you haven’t fragged before, Friday Fragments is a place to share those thoughts, quips, and tidbits that don’t quite make a whole post, e.g. fragments or frags. I host every Friday and would love for you to join in. Please link up and visit other Fraggers.


This week, we crossed a big milestone. We put in a bid on a house for the first time. As a military family, we have never owned a home, only rented. We are now in the waiting period for a response. I am trying to be zen and believe that if it is the house, it will work out and if it doesn't. another great house will come our way. Fingers crossed! We are looking forward to joining the ranks of the mortgaged.


Little Diva had gotten her schedule all backwards. Despite my best efforts over the last couple of weeks, she was staying up most of the night and sleeping in very late. We would say goodnight and give cuddles and kisses but she couldn't go to sleep. She'd end up getting up to craft or do other creative things. Some I appreciate more than others. Here is one that I didn't like so much.#frags, funny, art Finally, we all had enough, including her. She stayed up all night Tuesday, so on Wednesday morning we decided she should stay up as long into the day as she could, hoping we could reset the clock. We anticipated that she would be horrifically grumpy and maybe make it to lunch. Instead, she was sweet as a peach and made it ALL day. At 9:30 that night, she asked to cuddle in my bed and I said "sure". Within two minutes, she was OUT. She slept a solid eleven hours and woke up at a normal time. WHEW! Let's hope our sleepless nights are over. Goodness knows, my makeup drawer needs a break!


A lot has happened this week. I cannot help but acknowledge a big win and a big loss.Whatever your politics, we must all acknowledge what a tremendous event it was that Hillary Clinton is the first woman to get the presidential nomination of a major political party. As a young girl, I watched Geraldine Ferraro accept the vice-presidential nomination with lots of hope and anticipation. 32 years later, I was happy to share the moment with my daughter.And of course, we lost Muhammad Ali. He was a hero in so many ways, the boxing ring being only a small part. Just a little over a year ago, we were visiting Louisville, KY as a part of our #StarFamilyTravels and I captured this pic.RIP, Ali, The GreatestR.I.P. Ali. You were, indeed, "The Greatest."


That's my frags for this Friday. I'm wishing you all a wonderful week and my daughter a week of restful nights!
