Friday Fragments #56 -- Shark Week?
Woosh! Did that week fly by you as quickly as it did me? Well, let's frag about it!
Little Diva has been cracking me up this week.
It started with a fun reveal video for YouTube. Now I might be biased but I can't help but ask you to take a peek.She then decided our watermelon needed special care...But my biggest smile this week came with the construction of this cake...
Isn't that awesome????
Can you tell she loves Shark Week?
Finally,a funny from Little Diva. My mom invited LD to watch a DVD in her bedroom. LD turns to her in all earnestness and said, "No, thank you. I don't want to be 'oldified'." My daughter the word maker!
And a note about our home purchase. We got the loan approval from the VA and are awaiting the results of the appraisal. Things are moving along quickly and (fingers crossed) positively towards a closing.That is my week. How was your week? I hope you will join in fragging with me.