A Star in My Own Universe

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Becoming Brave - My Word for 2017

I have never been brave.It's true. I can be strong. I can survive. (insert Gloria Gaynor here.) Give me a tough spot and I will rise to the occasion and come through. This girl is great in a crisis. When problems come to me and Lord knows they come, I am the steady ship in troubled waters.But this is not the same as showing courage. Do not ask me to forage ahead into the unknown. That's when I freeze and I wait for someone to make a move.I am no longer okay with that.I am 45. Despite all attempts to deny my middle-age status, I am the literal definition. There is no more time to wait for things to happen.

I must be brave.brave, word for the year, 2017, new year

I need to take risks and  let go of fear; accepting I cannot make everything perfect or make everyone happy. People may dislike my choice even when it's right. Some will dislike my words even if they are my truth. Waiting for the so-called "right" moment and living in fear of doing it wrong can no longer paralyze me or I do nothing and help no one.


I have never chosen a word for the year. In fact, somehow I was completely aware that this was a thing. Late to the party or not, I am choosing Brave for my word.  Not just for me but for my daughter. She is brave. She will lead people through jungles and forests. I don't want her to lose that.I am terrified of this word, this choice; I am terrified to be courageous. But maybe that is what it's about - being scared and not running away. I am choosing to sit in this fear and not run away.Are you brave?

Here's to a brave new year!


My daughter and I love the movie "Brave". Just for fun, here's a peek at Little Diva being as brave as Merida...brave, word for the year, 2017, new year