You get one life, why not star in it?

Because Some Days It Is Hard
I love my children. Deeply. Dearly. And with a profound understanding that I am immensely blessed to be a mother.
That said...
Some days this job is hard. So very hard. Drive me to tears and too much Halloween candy hard.

Being Understood Matters
Life offers us all unique challenges. For my sweet Little Diva, hers include learning disabilities. She is incredibly bright and speaks like a young lady many years her senior but hand her a pencil and ask her to write what she sees on the board and she is lost.

Enough is Enough... I Don't Have TIME for This
Every mother worth her salt wants the best for her children, no matter to what theory she does or does not subscribes. And every mother worth her salt doubts from time to time that she is the best. And most of us doubt it more often than from time to time. We think it dozens if not hundreds of times a day.