Genuine & Gracious - Alecia Stuaan
Welcome to the Women Who Shine Brightly Series - a group of amazing women who brighten my life and the world.
#7 - Alecia Stuaan aka
Raising Princess Warriors
Today’I am celebrating a woman for whom the term Queen truly applies. She is mother to four daughters and her Instagram handle tells you everything you need to know about these superheroes in the making. They are tough, know their way around a toolbox, cute and sassy.
As likely to have on a tiara and a pair of mud boots, just the way Alecia likes it. Alecia, as you will see, is much the same blend of tough and sweet.
You are the mother of four girls, you work FT and part of a farmer family, AND you are starting a business. Share a little about your life.
Well, I think you summarized it nicely! My life in one word can be described as chaos. We never stop moving! We live on a farm in Illinois where we are currently raising babies, chickens, and a garden.
What is your current career path?
Corporate - I am a digital marketing strategist where I work with search engine marketing, social media management, and all things design related.
Personally - I am a content creator and aspiring author.
How has that been influenced by your family life?
I recently made the transition to work part time corporately and focus more of my time and energy on raising my babies and writing my book.
Beyond how amazed I am by your child-juggling which you do well enough grace for Barnums if they were still around, you are strongly honest about mental health and especially maternal mental health. What inspired you to share your story?
I needed more women to know they aren’t alone. In my darkest time I just wish I knew there was someone out there like me.
That I wasn’t alone.
Has there been a downside to sharing?
I have been judged by family, there’s been social media trolls, its been hard.
What have been the benefits?
Talking to the women I have helped and inspired. The freedom in telling my truth and owning my story. I no longer feel like I have to hide myself.
What are your long term goals both personally and professionally?
Write my book!! Raise strong women and live life to the fullest.
Any advice to share?
While it’s not normal, it is common to not be ok.
Reach out for help. There is no reason to be ashamed. Life happens, it’s ok to change. Live life messy :)
How did you meet Traci?
Through Social Mamas Tribe!
Proof that the internet can bring beauty into your life. I know it did mine!
I chose Alecia because she makes me feel stronger and better able to make my dreams come true. She is a fierce friend and cheerleader and the girl you want in your corner. She also makes terrific healthy meal plans that are helping me find my way back to my best self.
You can find her here and at farmhousefoodiemeals.
Thanks for sharing in my birthday celebration!