You’re here.
That makes you a star.
You ready to #shinebrightly?
Yeah, me too!
Come see me at the place:
A Star in My Universe

Here’s your Motivation
Proud to be in Week Two of “the pebble” and even more proud to be hosting a dear friend and my coach, Pamela Baez Briscoe. She is a personal entrepreneur and tremendous business coach whose work with me has been intrinsic in the creation of this project.

A Prize Above Rubies
I am so very blessed by such beautiful people for whom I am very thankful.

It’s Okay to Not be Perfect
The fabulous women will keep coming. They will just surround my birthday rather than countdown.

Fabulous & Friendly - Caroline Vazzana
Welcome to the Women Who Shine Brightly Series - a group of amazing women who brighten my life and the world.
Caroline Vazzana

Genuine & Gracious - Alecia Stuaan
Welcome to the Women Who Shine Brightly Series - a group of amazing women who brighten my life and the world.
#7 - Alecia Stuaan

Colorful & Conscientious - Claudya Martinez
Welcome to the Women Who Shine Brightly Series - a group of amazing women who brighten my life and the world.
#6 - Claudya Martinez

Sweet & Sophisticated - Chitra
Welcome to the Women Who Shine Brightly Series - a group of amazing women who brighten my life and the world.
#5 - Chitra Monohar

Lively & A Light - Brittany Jade
Welcome to the Women Who Shine Brightly Series - a group of amazing women who brighten my life and the world.
#4 - Brittany Jade Anthony

Magical and Meaningful - Rebecca Bryant
Welcome to the Women Who Shine Brightly Series - a group of amazing women who brighten my life and the world.

Dazzling & Daring - Pam Baez
Welcome to the Women Who Shine Brightly Series - a group of amazing women who brighten my life and the world.
#2 - Pam Baez

Bright & Bold - Priscilla Hedlin
Welcome to the Women Who Shine Brightly Series - a group of amazing women who brighten my life and the world.
#1 - Priscilla Hedlin aka Wheelchair Mommy